Effects of physical activity on the link between PGC-1a and FNDC5 in muscle, circulating Ιrisin and UCP1 of white adipocytes in humans: A systematic review
:Petros C Ntinas (Dinas).et al
Reference:F1000Research 2017 , 2017
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Vitamin E-rich Nanoemulsion Enhances the Antitumor Efficacy of Low-Dose Paclitaxel by Driving Th1 Immune Response
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Reference:Pharmaceutical Research , 2017
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Methamphetamine induces hepatotoxicity via inhibiting cell division, arresting cell cycle and activating apoptosis: In vivo and in vitro studies
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Reference:Food Chem Toxicol. , 2017
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Efficacy of Ciji Hua'ai Baosheng formula on the expressions of vascular endothelial growth factor, kinase insert domain-containing receptor and basic fibroblast growth factor in mouse models of H22 hepatocellular carcinoma
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Reference:Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine , 2017
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Effects of age and soybean isoflavones on hepatic cholesterol metabolism and thyroid hormone availability in acyclic female rats
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Reference:Exp Gerontol. , 2017
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Angiogenic effects of low-intensity cathodal direct current on ischemic diabetic foot ulcers: A randomized controlled trial
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Reference:Diabetes Res Clin Pract. , 2017
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Pharmacological targeting of plasmin prevents lethality in a murine model of macrophage activation syndrome
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Reference:Blood , 2017
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Serum Calprotectin and Prealbumin Levels among Ovarian Cancer Patients Aged 30 - 45 Years
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Reference:Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology , 2017
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Ulinastatin ameliorates tissue damage of severe acute pancreatitis through modulating regulatory T cells
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Reference:Journal of Inflammation , 2017
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Exogenous hydrogen sulfide eliminates spatial memory retrieval impairment and hippocampal CA1 LTD enhancement caused by acute stress via promoting glutamate uptake
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Reference:Neuroscience , 2017
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Cloning, expression and functional characterization on vitellogenesis of estrogen receptors in Scatophagus argus
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Reference:Gen Comp Endocrinol. , 2017
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Decreased expression of semaphorin 3D is associated with genesis and development in colorectal cancer
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Reference:World J Surg Oncol. , 2017
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Water metabolism dysfunction via renin-angiotensin system activation caused by liver damage in mice treated with microcystin-RR
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Reference:Toxicol Lett. , 2017
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Identification of Tengfu Jiangya Tablet Target Biomarkers with Quantitative Proteomic Technique
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Reference:Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. , 2017
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YAP mediates human decidualization of the uterine endometrial stromal cells
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:Barbara Wilhelm.et al
Reference:CAN J VET RES. , 2016
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L-F001, a novel multifunctional ROCK inhibitor, suppresses neuroinflammation in vitro and in vivo: Involvement of NF-κB inhibition and Nrf2 pathway activation
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Reference:European Journal of Pharmacology , 2017
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An ex vivo model to induce early fibrosis-like changes in human precision-cut lung slices
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Reference:Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. , 2017
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Bixin ameliorates high fat diet-induced cardiac injury in mice through inflammation and oxidative stress suppression
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Reference:Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy , 2017
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Procalcitonin is not a marker of sterile inflammation in dogs after ovariohysterectomy
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Reference:acta veterinaria-beograd , 2017
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