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Forkhead box protein G1 is a protein in humans that is encoded by FOXG1 gene. Transcription repression factor which plays an important role in the establishment of the regional subdivision of the developing brain and in the development of the telencephalon.

FOXG1 Antibodies

FOXG1 for Homo sapiens (Human)

FOXG1 Proteins

FOXG1 Proteins for Homo sapiens (Human)

FOXG1 Proteins for Epomophorus gambianus (Gambian epauletted fruit bat)

FOXG1 Proteins for Pipistrellus rusticus (Rusty pipistrelle)

FOXG1 Proteins for Ceratotherium simum (White rhinoceros) (Square-lipped rhinoceros)

FOXG1 Proteins for Cebus capucinus (White-faced sapajou)

FOXG1 Proteins for Equus burchelli (Plains zebra) (Equus quagga)

FOXG1 Proteins for Cercopithecus pygerythrus (Vervet monkey)

FOXG1 Proteins for Mus musculus (Mouse)

FOXG1 Proteins for Mnemiopsis leidyi (Sea walnut) (Warty comb jellyfish)

FOXG1 Proteins for Gallus gallus (Chicken)

FOXG1 Proteins for Xenopus laevis (African clawed frog)