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日期:2018-09-05 15:31:55

 武汉j9九游会登录入口首页生物工程有限公司是国际领先的生物高新技术企业,所提供的Cusabio ELISA试剂盒产品已经在世界范围内被广大科学家使用,引用文献达4400多篇。

Title Product Code Journal IF Year
Splicing factor PRPF31 retinitis pigmentosa (RP11) is caused by disrupted alternative splicing programmes for genes implicated in pre-mRNA splicing, cellular adhesion and ciliogenesis Buskin, al CSB-E08818h Nature Communications 12.35 2018
Jujuboside A promotes Aβ clearance and ameliorates cognitive deficiency in Alzheimers disease through activating Axl/HSP90/PPARγ pathway Mu al CSB-E10684h Theranostics 8.537 2018
Folic acid modulates VPO1 DNA methylation levels and alleviates oxidative stress-induced apoptosis in vivo and in vitro Shanshan Cui .et al CSB-E08799m Redox Biology 7.126 2018
Neurotensin contributes to pediatric intestinal failure-associated liver disease via regulating intestinal bile acids uptake Yongtao Xiao .et al CSB-E09144h EBIOMEDICINE 6.183 2018
Nasal delivery of nerve growth factor rescue hypogonadism by up-regulating GnRH and testosterone in aging male mice Jiao Luo .et al CSB-E06871m EBIOMEDICINE 6.183 2018
Endotoxemia differentially regulates the expression of renal Ca2+ transport proteins in mice Manuel al CSB-E13697m Acta physiologica 5.93 2018
NR4A1 Promotes Diabetic Nephropathy by Activating Mff-Mediated Mitochondrial Fission and Suppressing Parkin-Mediated Mitophagy Sheng al CSB-E05066h
Cell Physiol Biochem 5.5 2018
Unraveling the interaction between carboxylesterase 1c and the antibody-drug conjugate SYD985: improved translational PKPD by using CES1c knockout mice Ruud al CSB-MP338557MO Molecular Cancer Therapeutics  5.365 2018
Mechanical Stresses Induce Paracrine Beta-2 Microglobulin from Cardiomyocytes to Activate Cardiac Fibroblasts through Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Yang al CSB-E13053m Clinical Science 5.22 2018
K284-6111 prevents the amyloid beta-induced neuroinflammation and impairment of recognition memory through inhibition of NF-κB-mediated CHI3L1 expression Ji Yeon Choi, .et al CSB-E10787m Journal of Neuroinflammation 5.193 2018
Biomarker Signatures Predicting 10-Year All-Cause and Disease-Specific Mortality  Yanxia al CSB-E04638h
journals of gerontology series a-biological sciences and medical sciences 4.902 2018
Increased Muscle Mass Protects Against Hypertension and Renal Injury in Obesity Joshua al CSB-E09272m Journal of the American Heart Association 4.45 2018
Interferon-γ mediates the protective effects of soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-product in myocardial ischemia/reperfusion Mengqiu Dang
.et al
CSB-E04578m Laboratory Investigation 4.254 2018
RIP3 dependent NLRP3 inflammasome activation is implicated in acute lung injury in mice Jingxian al CSB-E04609m Journal of Translational Medicine 4.197 2018
Enhancer RNA – P2RY2e induced by estrogen promotes malignant behaviors of bladder cancer  Mengting al CSB-E08856h INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 4.057 2018
Hepato-protective Effect of Ultrasonicated Ginseng Berry Extract on Rat Mild Bile Duct Ligation Model Yoonjin al CSB-E08788r Journal of Ginseng Research 4.053 2018
Exosome‐encapsulated miR‐6089 regulates inflammatory response via targeting TLR4 Donghua al CSB-E14290h Journal of cellular physiology 3.923 2018
Anti-inflammation Action of Xanthones from Swertia chirayita by Regulating COX-2/NF-κB/MAPKs/Akt Signaling Pathways in RAW 264.7 Macrophage cells Tian-Yong Hu .et al CSB-E07967r Phytomedicine 3.61 2018
Recombinant chemotaxis inhibitory protein of Staphylococcus aureus (CHIPS) protects against LPS-induced lung injury in mice Youssif M. Ali .et al CSB-E04639m
Clinical Immunology 3.557 2018
APOA5 Variants are Associated with Decreased Adiponectin Levels and Increased Arterial Stiffness in Subjects with Low HDL‐cholesterol Levels  Minkyung al CSB-E11901h clinical genetics 3.512 2018
Preparation and characterization of insulin-loaded zein/carboxymethylated short-chain amylose complex nanoparticles Na al CSB-E06828p journal of agricultural and food chemistry 3.412 2018
Nigella sativa extract is a potent therapeutic agent for renal inflammation, apoptosis, and oxidative stress in a rat model of unilateral ureteral obstruction Sara al CSB-E11987r phytotherapy research 3.349 2018
The Expression of Calprotectin and Factors in TLR4/NF-κB/MyD88 Pathway in Patients with Idiopathic Acute Anterior Uveitis Guoxiang al CSB-E12954h
Ocular Immunology and Inflammation   3.348 2018
β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate modulates lipid metabolism in adipose tissues of growing pigs Yehui al CSB-E06786p
FOOD & FUNCTION 3.289 2018
Evaluation of the osteoprotective potential of whey derived-antioxidative (YVEEL) and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitory (YLLF) bioactive peptides in ovariectomised rats  Masum al CSB-E05129r
FOOD & FUNCTION 3.289 2018
Evodiamine inhibits gastrointestinal motility via CCK and CCK1 receptor in water-avoidence stress rat model H.X. Ren .et al CSB-EQ027822RA Life Sciences 3.234 2018
A novel anti-osteoporotic agent that protects against postmenopausal bone loss by regulating bone formation and bone resorption Yu-te Yang .et al CSB-E12775m
Life Sciences 3.234 2018
MicroRNA-494 inhibition alleviates acute lung injury through Nrf2 signaling pathway via NQO1 in sepsis-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome Yun Ling .et al CSB-E11987r
Life Sciences 3.234 2018
Cell-free mitochondrial DNA in progressive multiple sclerosis  Hannah Lowes .et al CSB-E13608h Mitochondrion 3.226 2018
The Role of miR-150 in Stress-Induced Anxiety-Like Behavior in Mice Wen-Juan Zhang, .et al CSB-E07969m Neurotoxicity Research 3.186 2018
Effects of a commercial probiotic BS containing Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis on growth, immune response and disease resistance in Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus Emmanuel Delwin Abarike .et al CSB-E12045Fh Fish & Shellfish Immunology 3.185 2018
Effects of dietary yeast culture on growth performance, immune response and disease resistance of gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio CAS Ⅲ) Peiyu Zhang .et al CSB-E12045Fh Fish & Shellfish Immunology 3.185 2018
Expression of prolactin receptors in the duodenum, kidneys and skeletal system during physiological and sulpiride-induced hyperprolactinaemia Danijela Radojkovic
.et al
CSB-E08098r Endocrine 3.179 2018
The effects of benzophenone-3 on apoptosis and the expression of sex hormone receptors in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of rats Weronika Krzyżanowska .et al CSB-E07282r
Toxicology Letters 3.166 2018
Notch signaling pathway suppresses CD8+ T cells activity in patients with lung adenocarcinoma Shuo Li, .et al CSB-E14210h
International Immunopharmacology 3.118 2018
Interaction of mannose binding lectin and other pattern recognition receptors in human corneal epithelial cells during Aspergillus fumigatus infection Xudong Peng, .et al CSB-E09717h International Immunopharmacology 3.118 2108
Activation of Nrf2 signaling by salvianolic acid C attenuates NF‑κB mediated inflammatory response both in vivo and in vitro Junke Song, .et al CSB-E11987r
International Immunopharmacology 3.118 2018
The therapeutic effect of Ilex pubescens extract on blood stasis model rats according to serum metabolomics Di Cao .et al CSB-E08323r
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 3.115 2018
Network pharmacology study reveals energy metabolism and apoptosis pathways-mediated cardioprotective effects of SHENQI FUZHENG Jie Liao .et al CSB-E04640r
Journal of Ethnopharmacology 3.115 2018
Ozone protects the rat lung from ischemia-reperfusion injury by attenuating NLRP3-mediated inflammation, enhancing Nrf2 antioxidant activity and inhibiting apoptosis Zhiwen al CSB-EQ023955MO
European Journal of Pharmacology 3.04 2018
The effect of repeated cadmium oral exposure on the level of sex hormones, estrous cyclicity, and endometrium morphometry in female rats Marzenna al CSB-E07282r Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2.8 2018
Heparan sulfate is a plasma biomarker of acute cellular allograft rejection Andrew S. Barbas .et al CSB-E09585h plos one 2.766 2018
Regulation of divergent cortisol responsiveness in European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L. Athanasios Samaras .et al CSB-E15926Fh plos one 2.766 2018
RCAN1 is a marker of oxidative stress, induced in acute pancreatitis K. Jessica Norberg .et al CSB-EL019500MO Pancreatology 2.763 2018
Establishment and evaluation of COPD model by chronic exposure to MVE combined with LPS instillation  Jiaze al CSB-E13584m experimental physiology 2.732 2018
Maternal High-Fat Diet Modifies the Immature Hippocampus Vulnerability to Perinatal Asphyxia in Rats Isac al CSB-E08066r Neonatology 2.688 2018
Can urine osteopontin levels, which may be correlated with nutrition intake and body composition, be used as a new biomarker in the diagnosis of nephrolithiasis? Mehmet Arif Icer .et al CSB-E08392h Clinical Biochemistry 2.584 2018
Curcumin Attenuates Testicular Injury in Rats with Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetes Wenliang al CSB-E12118r Biomed Research International 2.583 2018
Different roles of insulin receptor a and b in maintaining blood glucose homeostasis in zebrafish Yulong Gong .et al CSB-EL009319MO General and Comparative Endocrinology 2.564 2018
Mangiferin attenuates cisplatin-induced acute kidney injury in rats mediating modulation of MAPK pathway Anil Kumar Sahu, .et al CSB-E11987r
Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 2.561 2018
Caffeine Prevents Memory Impairment Induced by Hyperhomocysteinemia Karem H. Alzoubi
.et al
CSB- E13376r Journal of Molecular Neuroscience 2.454 2018
Comparison of the efficacy and mechanisms of intranasal budesonide, montelukast, and their combination in treatment of patients with seasonal allergic rhinitis Hui Chen al CSB-E11729h International forum of allergy & rhinology 2.454 2018
Kinetics of Interferon gamma and Interleukin-21 response following foot and mouth disease virus infection Ajay Kumar Sharma .et al CSB-E09812b
Microbial Pathogenesis 2.332 2018
Blood pressure reduction in telmisartan-treated angiotensinogen      G-217A polymorphism hypertensive patients: A pilot study Mohammad S. al CSB- E08564h journal of pharmacy and pharmacology 2.309 2018
Vinpocetine halts ketamine-induced schizophrenia-like deficits in rats: impact on BDNF and GSK-3β/β-catenin pathway Hebatalla I. al CSB-E08055r naunyn-schmiedebergs archives of pharmacology 2.238 2018
Empagliflozin, SGLT2 inhibitor, attenuates renal fibrosis in rats exposed to unilateral ureteric obstruction: potential role of klotho expression Noha A. T. al CSB-E13148r Naunyn-Schmiedebergs Archives of Pharmacology 2.238 2018
High levels of urinary complement proteins are associated with chronic renal damage and proximal tubule dysfunction in IgA nephropathy Lu al CSB-E09717h nephrology 2.178 2018
Interferon-tau stimulated gene expression: A proxy to predict embryonic mortality in dairy cows Aasif Ahmad al CSB-E08172B Theriogenology 2.136 2018
Chronic heat stress increases insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1) but does not affect IGF-binding proteins in growing pigs Hairui Xin, .et al CSB-E06829p Journal of Thermal Biology 2.093 2018
Effect of Edible Bird’s Nest Extract on Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Impairment of Learning and Memory in Wistar Rats S. al CSB-E11987r
evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine 2.064 2018
The liver and small intestine can partly compensate severe normovolemic hemodilution in a rat model Indra Naemi Waack .et al CSB-E08024h Journal of Surgical Research 2.051 2018