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Rat Kisspeptin 1(KISS1)ELISA Kit

  • 中文名称:
    大鼠肿瘤转移抑制基因KISS1蛋白(KISS1/Kisspeptin 1)酶联免疫试剂盒
  • 货号:
  • 规格:
  • 价格:
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  • 产品描述:

    This Rat KISS1 ELISA Kit was designed for the quantitative measurement of Rat KISS1 protein in serum, plasma, tissue homogenates, cell lysates. It is a Sandwich ELISA kit, its detection range is 0.156 ng/mL-10 ng/mL and the sensitivity is 0.039 ng/mL.

  • 别名:
    Kiss1 ELISA Kit; Metastasis-suppressor KiSS-1 ELISA Kit; Kisspeptin-1) [Cleaved into: Metastin; Kisspeptin-10 ELISA Kit; Metastin45-54)] ELISA Kit
  • 缩写:
  • Uniprot No.:
  • 种属:
    Rattus norvegicus (Rat)
  • 样本类型:
    serum, plasma, tissue homogenates, cell lysates
  • 检测范围:
    0.156 ng/mL-10 ng/mL
  • 灵敏度:
    0.039 ng/mL
  • 反应时间:
  • 样本体积:
  • 检测波长:
    450 nm
  • 研究领域:
  • 测定原理:
  • 测定方法:
  • 精密度:
    Intra-assay Precision (Precision within an assay): CV%<8%        
    Three samples of known concentration were tested twenty times on one plate to assess.    
    Inter-assay Precision (Precision between assays): CV%<10%        
    Three samples of known concentration were tested in twenty assays to assess.      
  • 线性度:
    To assess the linearity of the assay, samples were spiked with high concentrations of rat KISS1 in various matrices and diluted with the Sample Diluent to produce samples with values within the dynamic range of the assay.  
      Sample Serum(n=4)    
    1:1 Average % 85    
    Range % 82-88    
    1:2 Average % 91    
    Range % 87-96    
    1:4 Average % 105    
    Range % 101-109    
    1:8 Average % 96    
    Range % 93-99    
  • 回收率:
    The recovery of rat KISS1 spiked to levels throughout the range of the assay in various matrices was evaluated. Samples were diluted prior to assay as directed in the Sample Preparation section.  
    Sample Type Average % Recovery Range    
    Serum (n=5) 87 84-90    
    EDTA plasma (n=4) 92 90-95    
  • 标准曲线:
    These standard curves are provided for demonstration only. A standard curve should be generated for each set of samples assayed.  
    ng/ml OD1 OD2 Average Corrected    
    10 2.631 2.754 2.693 2.531    
    5 1.978 1.962 1.970 1.808    
    2.5 1.286 1.268 1.277 1.115    
    1.25 0.726 0.735 0.731 0.569    
    0.625 0.508 0.512 0.510 0.348    
    0.312 0.386 0.396 0.391 0.229    
    0.156 0.232 0.245 0.239 0.077    
    0 0.161 0.163 0.162      
  • 数据处理:
  • 货期:
    3-5 working days




Please provide the following information regarding Rat Kisspeptin 1, KISS1 ELISA KitCSB-E13434r
a. What sample types have been tested with this kit.
b. What observed concentrations were obtained from these sample types and what dilutions were used?
c. Please provide the QC data for sample tested with this kit.
d. What is the standard? (Recombinant full-length protein? Partial protein (range?)?, peptide (sequence range?), native protein?)
e. If recombinant protein, then what is the host?
f. Is the capture antibody a monoclonal or polyclonal?
g. What is the host of the capture antibody?
h. Is the detection antibody a monoclonal or polyclonal?
i. What is the host of the detection antibody?

Thanks for your inquiry.
The hypothalamic KiSS1/GPR54 system is a pivotal factor in central regulation of the gonadotropic axis at puberty and in adulthood. Intracerebroventricular administration induces an increase in serum LH and FSH levels in prepubertal male and female as well as in adult animals.
This kit is designed according to full length protein. Pl...展开 >>


  • 功能:
    Metastasis suppressor protein. May regulate events downstream of cell-matrix adhesion, perhaps involving cytoskeletal reorganization. Generates a C-terminally amidated peptide, metastin which functions as the endogenous ligand of the G-protein coupled receptor GPR54. The receptor is also essential for normal gonadotropin-released hormone physiology and for puberty. The hypothalamic KiSS1/GPR54 system is a pivotal factor in central regulation of the gonadotropic axis at puberty and in adulthood. Intracerebroventricular administration induces an increase in serum LH and FSH levels in prepubertal male and female as well as in adult animals.
  • 基因功能参考文献:
    1. The results of this study suggest that kisspeptin may have a role in hippocampal neuron functions. PMID: 29974847
    2. The present study demonstrates that both perinatal kisspeptin and kisspeptin-independent testosterone are required for defeminisation of the brain, whereas kisspeptin-dependent testosterone during peripuberty to adulthood is needed for masculinisation of the brain in male rats. PMID: 27344056
    3. Eap1 expression critically regulates puberty as well as GnRH expression. However, Eap1-regulation of puberty may not necessitate KiSS1/GPR54 signaling. PMID: 29017168
    4. kisspeptin treatment may protect the structure of spermatogenic cells against methionine-induced damage. PMID: 27900820
    5. Data suggest that kisspeptin is a 'master regulator' of reproductive physiology, integrating limbic circuits with the regulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurons and reproductive hormone secretion. PMID: 25758403
    6. These results suggest excessive androgen suppresses LH surge and pulsatile LH secretion by inhibiting kisspeptin expression in the ARC and disruption at the pituitary level, whereas AVPV kisspeptin neurons appear to be directly unaffected by androgen. PMID: 28377404
    7. These results suggest that intraovarian KISS1 is regulated by sympathetic nerves via a beta-adrenergic receptor and participates locally in ovarian follicular development in reproductive aging. PMID: 27856623
    8. Preadolescent alterations in Kiss1 expression in the arcuate and anteroventral periventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus, which may change the balance of function in these 2 nuclei, may differentially contribute to delayed reproductive maturation in prenatal alcohol exposure. PMID: 27688161
    9. Kisspeptin has a role in male sexual behavior, which is specific to the medial amygdala. Infused kisspeptin-10 in male rats caused the rats to have multiple erections PMID: 27233219
    10. Kisspeptin mRNA expression in the posterior hypothalamic block including ARC was higher in the letrozole group than in the control group although its expression in the anterior hypothalamic block was similar between groups. PMID: 27665725
    11. This study demonstrated that Neuroleptics Affect Kisspeptin mRNA Expression in the Male Rat Hypothalamus and Hippocampus. PMID: 27388714
    12. Maternal high-fat diet during the early postnatal period induces increased Kiss1 expression in the arcuate nucleus and early puberty onset in female offspring. PMID: 26094983
    13. Data suggest that noradrenaline secretion up-regulates kisspeptin 1 expression in neurons of rostral periventricular area of third ventricle through activation of alpha1-adrenergic receptors at initiation of preovulatory luteinizing hormone surge. PMID: 26556532
    14. Acute prepubertal immobilization stress led to decrease in serum level of kisspeptin and testosterone. PMID: 26930799
    15. Prior attenuation of KiSS1/GPR54 signaling in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus is a trigger for the delayed effect induced by neonatal exposure to 17alpha-ethynylestradiol in female rats PMID: 25615539
    16. Suckling stimulus rapidly modulates Kiss1 expression directly via neuronal connections and indirectly through serum PRL, resulting in modulation in GnRH/LH secretion. PMID: 26446276
    17. kisspeptin plays an indispensable role in generating two modes (pulse and surge) of GnRH/gonadotrophin secretion to regulate puberty onset and normal reproductive performance. PMID: 25582792
    18. Knockdown of kiss1 in the AVPV resulted in a significant delay in first estrous, abnormal cyclicity, and decreased LH surge frequency. Reduction of kiss1 in the ARC resulted in abnormal cyclicity and decreased LH pulse frequency. PMID: 25875299
    19. Data indicate that exposure of female rats to an post-weaning, high-fat diet has long-term deleterious effects on ovulation, that may involve down-regulation of ovarian Kiss1 mRNA and kisspeptin. PMID: 25542298
    20. Kisspeptin neurons in the arcuate nucleus of prenatal alcohol exposed females show differential responses to estradiol and progesterone. PMID: 25421515
    21. Kisspeptin and its receptor are expressed in the human, rat and mouse heart and kisspeptins possess potent positive inotropic activity.[Kisspeptin 10] PMID: 22132116
    22. A specific rodent kisspeptin-RIA will allow accurate quantification of kisspeptin peptide levels within specific tissues in rodent experimental models. PMID: 24845101
    23. Data suggest age-related changes in hypothalamo-pituitary axis responsiveness via Kiss1/Kiss1 receptor signaling reflect reduced insulin-like growth factor 1 (Igf1)/Igf1 receptor signaling with aging of neuroendocrine cells of hypothalamus. PMID: 24617524
    24. PRL acts on ARC neurons to inhibit kisspeptin expression in female rats PMID: 24456164
    25. maintenance of hypothalamic arcuate nucleus-kisspeptin levels is essential for normal pulsatile LH release and oestrous cyclicity PMID: 24424033
    26. nutritional stress, especially high-fat diet, has a profound deleterious impact on metabolic and gonadotropic function as well as on the Kiss1 system and precipitates neuroendocrine reproductive senescence in male rats PMID: 24424048
    27. The Kiss1 system does not exhibit persistent changes and puberty onset is not affected after perinatal exposure to ethinyl estradiol or a pesticide mixture in this experimental setting. PMID: 23660487
    28. The translation of Kiss1 mRNA and/or the degradation/transport/release of kisspeptins are different in mice and rats. PMID: 23651990
    29. The effects of kisspeptin on gonadotropin release in non-human mammals. PMID: 23550002
    30. GnRH and Kiss1/kisspeptin levels in the hypothalamus peaked at an early age, while malnutrition resulted in a delay in the GnRH and Kiss1/kisspeptin peaks. PMID: 23457311
    31. No Kiss1 signal was observed in the postnatal amygdala, suggesting that expression arises after puberty PMID: 22791648
    32. Data suggest that few hypothalamic genes are sexually dimorphic during postnatal development; only Kiss1, Esr1 (estrogen receptor 1), and Tac2 (tachykinin 2/neurokinin B) are dimorphic (i.e., higher in females) in developing preoptic area. PMID: 23034157
    33. ARC Kiss1 expression is negatively regulated by gonadal steroids from early postnatal stages. PMID: 22851291
    34. data provide unique evidence that KNDy neurons promote cutaneous vasodilatation and participate in the E(2) modulation of body temperature PMID: 23150555
    35. A sex-independent decrease of kisspeptin-IR cell numbers was observed during the perinatal period, suggestive of important regulations of kisspeptin neurones around birth PMID: 22530935
    36. results suggest that LH pulse suppression during late lactation could be a result of the enhanced oestrogen-dependent suppression of ARC kisspeptin expression. PMID: 22536815
    37. Data show that the circadian increase of Kiss1 expression, as well as the activation of GnRH cells, relies on intact ipsilateral neural input from the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). PMID: 22454148
    38. Data suggest that estradiol triggers expression of Kiss1 in neurons of regions in the prosencephalon (except in the arcuate nucleus) of ovariectomized female Wistar rats. PMID: 22240892
    39. Lower kiss1 mRNA levels in the ARC appear to be responsible for the fasting-induced inhibition of gonadotrophin secretion and subsequent prolongation of the estrous cycle. PMID: 21979277
    40. results suggest that kisspeptin at least partly exerts stimulatory effects on GnRH release from the neuronal terminals of GnRH neurones by axo-axonal nonsynaptic interaction in the median eminence PMID: 21815953
    41. Dbp and estrogen regulate the expression of Kiss1 in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus PMID: 21458520
    42. Data show that in gonadally intact rats and mice, Kiss1-expressing neurons were identified in the MeA of both sexes. PMID: 21363930
    43. anteroventral periventricular (AVPV) Kiss1 peptide levels were increased, whereas Kiss1 mRNA levels were decreased during lactation, suggesting active inhibition of peptide release PMID: 21029216
    44. These results indicate that the increase in kisspeptin mRNA expression in the arcuate nucleus across puberty might be involved in the onset of puberty. PMID: 20665248
    45. In the arcuate nucleus of OVX rats, the majority of Kiss1 mRNA-containing cells also coexpressed PRLR mRNA. PMID: 21177834
    46. Data suggest that kisspeptin (along with NKB/NK3R signaling) plays a role in estradiol-dependent negative feedback control of GnRH/LH secretion in the arcuate nucleus. PMID: 21045176
    47. These results illustrate the variety of projection sites of kisspeptin neurones in the rat and suggest that these peptides play a role in different functions. PMID: 20673302
    48. These results suggest that decreased hypothalamic kisspeptin action contributes to the delayed onset of puberty in prenatally undernourished female rats. PMID: 20083512
    49. The regulation of kisspeptin synthesis and release are key events in puberty onset in the male rat. PMID: 19944729
    50. the arcuate nucleus as a key site for kisspeptin modulation of LH pulse frequency, supporting the notion that kisspeptin-GPR54 signalling in this region of the mediobasal hypothalamus is a critical neural component of the hypothalamic GnRH pulse generator PMID: 20016824


  • 亚细胞定位:
  • 蛋白家族:
    KISS1 family
  • 组织特异性:
    Highest levels in the cecum and colon. Moderate levels present in the liver, spleen, kidney, ovary, uterus and small intestine. Low levels in the stomach, pancreas and placenta. Expressed only moderately in the placenta. Persistent expression is detected
  • 数据库链接: